Monday, December 22, 2008

Where Does The TIme Go?

I really don't know where the time has gone. It seems like only yesterday that my daughter Henny was born and Joseph is 14 today. Paul woke him up this morning to wish him a happy birthday and then he ended up staying awake. He tried to go back to bed but kept getting disturbed so he gave up. Before I left for work I wanted to give him a birthday kiss and he almost freaked. He said I could give him a hug but not kisses. When did this happen? Can I turn back the clock to the days when he was little and cute and let me give him kisses? It's not like there was anyone in the house who would have seen. Paul said that he misses the younger days and before you know it he'll be out hanging with his friends and we'll hardly see him at all. That's so true and it's scary.

Look what I picked up at the post office today. It's the second custom spindle I ordered from Tom at Golding Fiber Tools. I decided on an owl because my sister was an owl collector. I was debating between a barn owl and snowy owl. I received a sketch of a barn owl but the shape would have been the same for the snowy owl. I decide on the snow owl and wanted dark wood. The wood is Bog oak and I have to say that the pictures don't do it justice at all.

I have one more spindle in the works from Tom and then I'm done for a little while. The next one is going to be one of his scrimshaw spindles and it's going to be a lighthouse. I think I'm out of ideas for now but if I think of anything else I know where to go to have it done. The spindles spin like mad and are the most special things.

Happy Chanukkah to all that are celebrating. Good thing it's 8 days long since tonight is the start of day 2.

I'll post about my trip to the Purple Purl tomorrow or Wednesday.

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