Sunday, June 10, 2007

Ebony And Ivory

I know, in my head, that everything is going to be alright with Elisheva but I am so worried. I also know I have no right to complain. There are people in this world that have it so much worse. I have always been a worry wart. I wish I could just turn it off but I don't know how. Shmuel Dovid said that Elisheva has a bacterial blood infection. I'm not a doctor and I really don't understand any of it. She is on antibiotics and she will be in the hospital anywhere from 7 to 10 days to as much as 2 weeks. The doctor said they caught it early before it had a chance to spread and I am so thankful for that. I just wish I could leave right now and go to NYC. Being so far away when everything is going on is so difficult.

Other things have happened today as well that I won't bother to go into. Suffice it to say I feel like I am just ready to break down and cry cry cry. When I feel this way I sometimes wonder if I shouldn't just watch some tear jerker so I can just get it all out of my system rather than try and hold back the tears.

I am so lucky though. I have the most wonderful husband. Paul had to go into work today due to some hard drive failure. He had to go and wait for the UPS man to deliver parts from Dell and then wait for the Dell tech to come and install the drive. Turned out Dell sent the wrong part and they had to send out another one. Paul went to The Eaton Centre while he was waiting for the new part to arrive. While at Sears he saw these. He thought it had been a while since he got me something so he picked them up. (I think he just knew I needed a pick me up). When I saw them I just cracked up. It was a laugh I really needed. Paul's Ebony and I'm Ivory and sheep no less. What more could you ask for? To think, sometimes I think he's a muggle and sometimes he just surprises me. Aren't they adorable?

I received my big SP10 package yesterday and today. My SP had Robyn bring it when she came for the TTC Knit A Long. Robyn is a sweetheart and Sean is adorable. He's much cuter in person than in pictures, just like I knew he would be. I still have to take picture of all the loot and post it. I just haven't had a chance to set everything up yet. I will do it as soon as I can and post it. SP did indeed go overboard. Thank you so much for everything.


  • At 10:11 p.m., Blogger Chelle said…

    Elisheva is in my thoughts and prayers...she will be fine.

    DH is a real keeper!!

  • At 12:28 a.m., Blogger Montreal Mama said…

    I've got faith that your granddaughter will be fine in no time. Sending my thoughts.

    Thanks for the compliments on Sean. He sends his wet sloberry teething kisses. It was a LONG drive home, Sean cried all the way from Kingston to Montreal pretty much. Thank goodness my MIL sat in the back with him and entertained him.

    I should get to bed. I'm beat. It was wicked awesome meeting you! :) Feel better about everything, okay?

  • At 11:16 a.m., Blogger Maggie said…

    I just read about your granddaughter! Of course, she's in all our thoughts. And so are you! You get a big hug from me when I see you next.


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