Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No More Plastic's Clinic

This morning I went to see the surgeon.  He is very pleased with my progress.  There are only 3 spots on the right side of the back that still need daily dressing changes and the draining on the left breast is getting better everyday.  I go back to see the surgeon on September 11th and this time it's in his office, not at the hospital.  It's a relief to have come far enough not to have to go to the Plastic's clinic anymore.  I don't like being in the hospital and the wait is usually hours and hours.  Even if I have to wait as long in the doctor's office, the setting is much for palatable than the hospital. 

Further proof that I've progressed nicely is if all goes as planned, one more week and I go back to work.  Going back after such a long time is going to be interesting.  I've never been off work for 7 weeks before and I expect I'm going to have a mountain of work on my desk.  I just hope I have the strength to work full time when I do go back.  All I can do is play things by ear and take it one day at a time.


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