Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First Follow Up With The Doctor

I went to see the surgeon this morning and had my first post-op follow-up since I came home from the hospital on Monday.  The doctor is very pleased with my progress.  He said everything is healing well.  The squishy slishy sloshy I'm feeling will go away as my body re-absorbs the fluid.  That can take a month or two to happen so I'd better just get used to it. I go back to the hospital on Friday and again on Monday to the wound care centre for them to check the bandages and then I go back to the plastic's clinic on the 27th.    There are still some dangers of wound separation because of the extent of the surgery so I'm going to try and behave and take it easy as instructed.  I feel better now than I did this morning and more confident everything will heal just fine.  The doctor did a skin graft (since the opportunity presented itself) and "built" a new nipple on the reconstructed breast.  I've felt very self conscious about not having one for the last 11 years.  The doctor now believes the skin graft should hold.  More to follow as I have time to report.


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