Saturday, December 09, 2006

What was I thinking???

Did I say that my Bossie doesn't spin like a top???? What on earth was I thinking????? Thanks to a tip from Sherri B. my Bossie now does spin like a top. What you see is the spinning from today!! No, I haven't been spinning non stop either. I put the stuff on straws when I felt the spindle was getting a little too weighted. I have about 30 grams there so far. I want to spin another 20 on the Bossie and then I am going to spin another 50 on the colourful Forrester. I think I'll name her Candy. Once I have each 50 grams spun I'm going to wind them into a centre pull ball on a toilet paper roll (got that idea from Maggie) and then I'll ply the two together. Anything that is left over I'll Andean ply and spit splice it to the rest of the skein. Then I'll hopefully have enough for a pair of socks. I believe the results should be even enough (not perfect) to knit socks with the yarn. I love the way the colours are coming out. The wool is 100% wool top in Northern Lights colourways that I bought at Lettuce Knit. Well it's back to spinning or I'll never get to my spinning goal for the weekend. As it is the Fisherman Stocking has been put on the side while I get the spinning done. I need more hands or more hours in the day so I have enough time to knit and spin!!!

I actually did some spinning in public today. Joseph needs a new winter coat so we went to Fairview Mall to look for one. My back has been bothering me all day so I went to sit on a bench while Paul and Joseph did the shopping. I had Bossie with me so I was spinning while they shopped. That was just as much fun as KIPing.


  • At 5:17 p.m., Blogger Yosemite said…

    The tip is to make sure the roving is split up into smaller thinner segments. I do that but I didn't do it as small as pencil roving is done. When I tried spinning with the pencil roving I have the Bossie started spinning much better. I want a Midi now!!!I also want another Golding. HELP I CAN'T STOP MYSELF!!!

  • At 10:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am in awe of your capacity for spinning. As I have the attention span of a 2 year old, I've decided it would be best to can dedicate a regular 30 minutes a day rather than beat myself up over not accomplishing much. How long did it take you to spin that ball? 1 day? Sheesh!

    I'm glad the tip helped - it's made a big difference to me too - I was pricing the mini's I've been spinning my South African top today. It's beige, so it's boring...not sure if I'll dye it or not.

    By the way - you totally ROCK!


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