Friday, December 22, 2006

My Pride And Joy

Here he is. This is the reason Joseph wanted to go to Montana's for his birthday. We had a blast, especially Joseph. He wants me to go for my birthday in May but there is no way you are getting me into that hat with an entire restaurant staring at me and singing happy birthday. Oh to be a kid again. Sometimes I think I would love it and then I come back to my senses and remember what it was like.

On the spinning front. I just finished spinning the second Fleece Artist Merino Sliver. I have to admit, because of the parts that I believe felted in the dyeing, that it is a little easier to spin on the wheel then it was on the spindle. The plying is much faster as well and I haven't really had a problem with back twisting when I'm plying. I just have to treadle faster than I am used to. I have it soaking and after it's dry I'll take some pictures. Now I am going to spin the rest of the Northern Lights.


  • At 12:14 a.m., Blogger Chelle said…

    Love the hat!! Happy Birthday Joseph!!

  • At 11:29 a.m., Blogger Maggie said…

    Happy birthday, Joseph! Wow, that hat is so much bigger than I imagined it! I can't believe it. Is his neck sore from wearing it?

    By the way, I'm totally impressed with your spun and plied yarn from the Joy! I don't know how I'm going to wait for my wheel.


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