My Pride And Joy

On the spinning front. I just finished spinning the second Fleece Artist Merino Sliver. I have to admit, because of the parts that I believe felted in the dyeing, that it is a little easier to spin on the wheel then it was on the spindle. The plying is much faster as well and I haven't really had a problem with back twisting when I'm plying. I just have to treadle faster than I am used to. I have it soaking and after it's dry I'll take some pictures. Now I am going to spin the rest of the Northern Lights.
At 12:14 a.m.,
Chelle said…
Love the hat!! Happy Birthday Joseph!!
At 11:29 a.m.,
Maggie said…
Happy birthday, Joseph! Wow, that hat is so much bigger than I imagined it! I can't believe it. Is his neck sore from wearing it?
By the way, I'm totally impressed with your spun and plied yarn from the Joy! I don't know how I'm going to wait for my wheel.
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