Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Look What Points Can Do!

You know those pesky cards that a lot of stores have these days? The ones where you accumulate points for purchases you make in their stores? Thanks to Maggie, I found out that Shopper's Drug Mart carries the Wii and the Wii Fit. Not only that, I could use my Optimum points towards the purchase of said Wii Fit. So, tonight on my way home I stopped at one SDM and no go. They didn't have the game console or the Wii Fit. On to the next SDM that is on my way home. I saw the console in this store so I had a little bit of hope. I asked at the check out and the girl checked and was told nope. I asked about putting my name on a waiting list and she said I would have to come back between 9am and 9pm because the people that did that would be in during those hours. Ok, I'd do that tomorrow. As I am about to leave the store her phone rings and she tells me to wait. They might actually have one Wii Fit in stock. Yup they did!! I was able to redeem my points for the Wii Fit and was able to buy it for a whopping $11.70!!!! Can you believe that? All I had to pay was the taxes! When I walked it the door and showed it to Paul he couldn't believe it. He said he's been wanting to get it for quite some time but the $100 price tag was just too much right now. The price at Shopper's is $10 less than either Future Shop or Best Buy so not only did I redeem points I saved more because the additional $10 would have been another $1.30 in taxes. Thank you Maggie. I never would have known about this if you hadn't told me.



  • At 1:12 a.m., Blogger Maggie said…

    Yay! We waited about a week for ours. You lucky duck got one the very same day! Shoppers Optimum points RULE!

  • At 3:53 p.m., Blogger Dreams of Yarn said…


    Way to go!!! I'm so happy for you that you got one. I want one :(

  • At 10:10 p.m., Blogger Maureen said…

    I've got kaboodles of points for Zellers/HBC, I'll have to take a look and see what's out there for 'free'. Great deal and good timing at the SDM.


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