Friday, May 30, 2008


I've been trying to find a way to occupy my time right now and I came across this meme on Blindpurl's blog.
  1. Where is your cell phone? ... purse
  2. Your significant other? ........ friend
  3. Your hair?.............................. dyed
  4. Your mother? ....................... heaven
  5. Your father? ......................... far
  6. Your favorite thing? ............ knitting
  7. Your dream last night? ....... nightmare
  8. Your favorite drink? ........... shake
  9. Your dream/goal? ............... vacation
  10. The room you're in? ........... office
  11. Your ex? ............................... ass
  12. Your fear? ............................ dying
  13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?... healthier
  14. Where were you last night? .. viewing
  15. What you're not? ................. stupid
  16. Muffins? ................................ corn
  17. One of your wish list items? house
  18. Where you grew up? ........... NYC
  19. The last thing you did? ....... shower
  20. What are you wearing? ...... clothes
  21. Your TV? .............................. new
  22. Your pets? ............................ none
  23. Your computer? ................... laptop
  24. Your life? ............................... better
  25. Your mood? .......................... depressed
  26. Missing someone? ................ mom
  27. Your car? ............................... Cavalier
  28. Something you're not wearing? ... smile
  29. Favorite store? ...................... LYS
  30. Your summer? ...................... hot
  31. Like (love) someone? ........... family
  32. Your favorite color? ..............purple
  33. Last time you laughed? ........yesterday
  34. last time you cried? .............. yesterday
  35. Who will re-post think? ....... anyone



  • At 5:46 p.m., Blogger blindpurls said…

    My condolences on your friend's husbands unexpected death. I hope that you and as she has lots of good memories of him to look back upon, so when your hearts heal a bit you both can smile and remember.

    Also your answer to ex made me laugh really hard! I have one of those he happens to be my daughter biological father, as my friend's have coined him the >insert curseword< sperm donor.


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