Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Halfway There

It's amazing to me how much knitting you can get done when you set your mind to it. I know I have to get this blanket done as quickly as possible and I have been knitting like crazy. I am more than halfway through the second set of pattern blocks. What you see is a castle that is over 60% done. I believe I am now past the halfway point on this. Since I have made such great progress I think I am going to take a knitting break tomorrow night and see if I can get some spinning done. There are some things I have been wanting to try to see if it helps me get more twist in my singles.

Speaking of singles, I had plied some SAF singles I had. I had one bobbin that had more on it than the other and when one bobbin was empty I figured I would just join the fibre to the bobbin that had yarn on it and continue spinning. Well when I tried that I couldn't find the darn end to join the fibre too. Old eyes are the pits. I brought the bobbin with me to our SnB tonight and Kimberly managed to find the end for me so I am now ready to join on the fibre and begin spinning again. I also finished spinning one bobbin of the Fleece Artist Merino Sliver I bought from Gemini Fibres. Now I just have to decide if I want to spin the SAF or the Merino.

Sande emailed me a great tip if I ever have the problem of finding the end of my singles again. She said to try using a strip of scotch tape bit by bit from the top of the bobbin to the bottom to see if the tape would catch the end. If that doesn't work she suggested gently using a toothbrush going in the opposit direction from the way it was wound onto the bobbin. I hope I don't have the problem again but I know these tips will help keep me from going nuts like I did this time.


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