Sunday, December 03, 2006

Taking A Bath

Patience is a virtue and not one I am known to have. I couldn't wait to see how the yarn would ply and the spindle was starting to get heavy so I decided to ply what I had. I almost had a real disaster because the yarn was very fine in spots and decided to break in the middle of plying. I had a big tangled mess and got really disgusted and took the bracelet off my hands and was ready to throw the entire thing in the garbage. I couldn't do it. I couldn't let all that hard work go to waste. So back on my wrist the yarn went, I found both ends, I spit spliced the end from the spindle to the ends on my wrist and continued plying. I know where the spot is. I noticed it when I took the yarn off the spindle. I did manage to finish plying and what you see is my PVC noddy in the tub. The length is perfect. I think if I had made it longer my arms would have gotten tired as I wound the yarn from the spindle onto the noddy. I will be interested to see how many wpi the yarn ends up having. There are thin and thick spots on this as well but I can live with it. The thick spots, I belive, are not even worsted weight. They might be dk weight. I think on the whole it is somewhere between a fingering weight and lace weight. When I tried to do the wpi after I finished plying it I got around 21 wpi but it will be easier for me to do it with the tool I have once the yarn is dry. I'll put it on the scale to get a total weight but I think it will be somewhere in the 20 gram range. Now I have to get started knitting two stockings I want to finish. I don't know who I will give them to yet but I've never knit a Christmas stocking before and I wanted to give it a try. The two patterns I've decided on doing are the Knitted Fisherman Stocking and Colleen Stocking. I cast on for the fisherman already and if I am lucky I can have it done by next Sunday. It all depends on how much time I spin and how much time I knit.


  • At 7:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Rochelle, your just up the hill from me. My name is Dianne, I to am an office assistant. I'm down in Fresno. I think you've done a wonderful job on your blog. We belong to the same spindlers group.

    I'm just getting into spinning or at least thinking of trying it.

    Hope we get to meet some time.


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